Bad Things:
* I’m a total fuck up. It is astounding the huge lengths I go to to make a phenomenal giant-sized fool of myself.
* Myspace. Yesterday I had a hard-on for it. Today it’s wilted. I wrote a whole blog post. Myspace had a brain-fart and wouldn’t move. I restarted the computer AGAIN and lost the whole post (sigh). Because …
* I fucked up.
* A friend is moving to Ireland. Even though she is now in the US, somehow Ireland is even further away.
* Not only am I a fuck up but I am also a social retard.
* My nose is cold.
* No-one can fuck up quite as well as me.
* After it taking all summer for the air conditioner mechanics to fix my aircon, now it’s time for using it for heat … something is stuck in the fan and making a a huge noise.
* I’m thinking of naming this new blog version 2 “Lessons in Fucking Up”
* I still don’t have a job. There are no jobs here. Unless you are a motor mechanic or a truck driver. And honey, I ain’t no truck driver.
* I need time out in The Hut (RENA!!!!!) so I can’t fuck up again tomorrow (it’s still before midnight here). Or better still .. just lock me in there and throw away the key for ever and ever amen. So I can’t fuck up ever again. Although .. I’m sure I could find some way to fuck up even in solitary confinement
* I turned my back on Catholicism many years ago which means I cannot now cloister myself in a nunnery (sigh). (stolen from Hem.)
* When will I ever learn not to fuck up?
* I’m female And not even a girly one at that.
* I have a bout ofรย insomnia again.
* And I have a tummy ache. Well that explains everything!!! As someone asked me just yesterday and DON’T you HATE that.
* Anxiety .. in response to fucking up … I had a nice bout of anxiety tonight. Choking, nauseating, quick-I-need-to-vomit anxiety.
No more whinging. Except to say I want to go to Ireland with.
Good Things:
* I have food in the fridge.
* It’s autumn … I adore autumn.
* There is a bottle of red wine in the house .. somewhere … I just have to find it. And cheese. But I know where that is ๐
* I am in the middle of an excellent book. And I have a pile to others to read after it.
* I have Bauhaus doing Ziggy Stardust streaming through my headphones.
* I’m singing, tapping my feet and nodding my head. That’s a good thing.
* I have a “commission” to do a pen and ink portrait.
* Now it’s the Buzzcocks – What Do I Get? – what an awesome playlist ๐
* I am curled up on the lounge with my laptop.
* Bowie singing All The Young Dudes.
* I’m having a conversation via myspace messages with my sister in Qld as I blog. Regular contact, no expensive phone calls. It’s a good thing.
* Tylenol.
Now … I want my girls, a bottle of wine, and a great big cuddle. Not necessarily in that order.รย ๐ฅ
I must go to bed soon before I christen the new day with a brand new fuck up .
I would challenge you to a fuck up off, but who the hell would want to win that contest? No one sane, which probably explains the challenge. LOL!
Ireland isn’t so far away, in fact it may not be far enough away for a proper duck and cover, but it will have to do.
Women (in the non-Sapphic sense) and wine is always a perfect thing.
By the way, my nose is always cold and never forget all the world loves a fool. Is that a pep talk or what. exactly, it’s or what. ๐