Psychedelic Machines of Surrealist Joy

For those who missed the bulletin at myspace … I loved this SO much I’m sharing it here as well.

Genius. Especially with the choice of music it is set to.

goo goo g’joob peoples – please enjoy this exquisite piece of grooviness.

Thanks much to : The Amorphous Androgynous
Date: Apr 16, 2007 8:41 PM

we attended the opening of a new show  ‘CABARET MECHANICAL THEATRE ‘at the wonderful Kinetica museum here in London last week and filmed some very groovy Automata machines  – which we spliced into amorphic shape and which we include here for your pleasure and predilection-  enjoy !!!

love the AA

2 thoughts on “Psychedelic Machines of Surrealist Joy

  1. Wonderful! I love that, creating art with art. The Banana Boat . . . Drifitng Apart . . . Manet’s Olympia were some of my favourites.

  2. !! Beaming !!

    Isn’t it fantastic?? Not just the original machines, but the video itself. Fan-bloody-tastic.

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