Bad Things:
* I’m a total fuck up. It is astounding the huge lengths I go to to make a phenomenal giant-sized fool of myself. 
* Myspace. Yesterday I had a hard-on for it. Today it’s wilted. I wrote a whole blog post. Myspace had a brain-fart and wouldn’t move. I restarted the computer AGAIN and lost the whole post (sigh). Because …
* I fucked up.
* A friend is moving to Ireland. Even though she is now in the US, somehow Ireland is even further away.
* Not only am I a fuck up but I am also a social retard.
* My nose is cold.
* No-one can fuck up quite as well as me.
* After it taking all summer for the air conditioner mechanics to fix my aircon, now it’s time for using it for heat … something is stuck in the fan and making a a huge noise.
* I’m thinking of naming this new blog version 2 “Lessons in Fucking Up”
* I still don’t have a job. There are no jobs here. Unless you are a motor mechanic or a truck driver. And honey, I ain’t no truck driver.
* I need time out in The Hut (RENA!!!!!) so I can’t fuck up again tomorrow (it’s still before midnight here). Or better still .. just lock me in there and throw away the key for ever and ever amen. So I can’t fuck up ever again. Although .. I’m sure I could find some way to fuck up even in solitary confinement 
* I turned my back on Catholicism many years ago which means I cannot now cloister myself in a nunnery (sigh). (stolen from Hem.)
* When will I ever learn not to fuck up?
* I’m female
And not even a girly one at that. 
* I have a bout ofรย insomnia again.
* And I have a tummy ache. Well that explains everything!!! As someone asked me just yesterday and DON’T you HATE that. 

* Anxiety .. in response to fucking up … I had a nice bout of anxiety tonight. Choking, nauseating, quick-I-need-to-vomit anxiety.
No more whinging. Except to say I want to go to Ireland with.
Good Things:
* I have food in the fridge.
* It’s autumn … I adore autumn.
* There is a bottle of red wine in the house .. somewhere … I just have to find it. And cheese. But I know where that is ๐
* I am in the middle of an excellent book. And I have a pile to others to read after it.
* I have Bauhaus doing Ziggy Stardust streaming through my headphones.
* I’m singing, tapping my feet and nodding my head. That’s a good thing.
* I have a “commission” to do a pen and ink portrait.
* Now it’s the Buzzcocks – What Do I Get? – what an awesome playlist ๐
* I am curled up on the lounge with my laptop.
* Bowie singing All The Young Dudes.
* I’m having a conversation via myspace messages with my sister in Qld as I blog. Regular contact, no expensive phone calls. It’s a good thing.
* Tylenol.
Now … I want my girls, a bottle of wine, and a great big cuddle. Not necessarily in that order.รย ๐ฅ
I must go to bed soon before I christen the new day with a brand new fuck up .
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