By request …
Instructions for Use
Boy did I have fun ‘researching’ this one. Of course, it came with it’s own little set of very detailed instructions but I have no idea where they got to to. I had to let my fingers do the googling. For the really funny information I remembered but can’t remember. However — I am not including any of the photographs that accompanied the instructions I found. They were very graphic, and not very pretty .
Firstly … apparently you can stick it in the dishwasher for cleaning! How convenient! It has the added benefit of sterilising it.
History: “Many women today are familiar with doing Kegel exercises especially after giving birth. In the early 1940’s a gynecologist named Dr. Arnold Kegel was helping women to overcome urinary incontinence through pelvic floor exercises instead of relying only on surgery. After several months, some of his clients reported having orgasms for the first time. Dr. Kegel designed a feedback instrument called the Perineometer, a meter with a rubber hose attached to a penis shaped device. Once inserted, it showed the amount of pressure applied by tightening the vagina. In Betty’s early 1970’s orgasm workshops, women took turns using a Perineometer with a condom on it. Similar to the strong men in the circus swinging a mallet to ring the bell, when a woman scored a 100, Betty rang a bicycle bell while the group applauded.” Ding ding, ding ding.
Locating & exercising the pc muscle: I’m not going there. I’m assuming we all know where our pc muscle is … being mature men and women If not … go google. Similarly, I’m not going to tell you how to do actual pelvic floor exercises. You should know that already by now! If you don’t, you need to learn now … and fast.
Using the Barbell: Basically … “insert in slot” – with the ball at the bigger end leading the way until full penetration has been achieved, only leaving an inch or two remaining outside. (And, erm, you may need to “lube up” first.) The weight of the barbell holds it in place and you are then ‘hands free’ And then you simply do your ‘weight lifting’ exercises. As normal. You need to do at least 10 sets of 10, working up to 20 sets of 10 (or was it 10 sets of 20?) Whatever. You need to do it LOTS. And it can take up to three months to notice a ‘difference’. Once you are proficient and a good level of fitness has been achieved, you can then progress to using the end with the smaller ball, which makes the degree of proficiency a little more difficult. And then, once you have progressed to Vaginabuilding World Championship level, you can do it standing it up in an attempt to hold it in place!
So there you go – from beginner to pro.
Betty Dobson goes on to explain further uses:
Enhancing Your Orgasm with PC Exercises: with a combination of breathing, pelvic rocking and pelvic floor exercises. Rock and squeeze. Rock and squeeze.
Betty’s Vaginal Barbell as a Sleek Sextoy: You can use your own imagination for this one …
For Men: Yes, men have pc muscles too and a toned pc muscle is as important for men as it is for women (take note, the man who complained about women not doing the exercises.). A toned pc muscle can prolong the pleasure of intercourse, help men learn to control the urge to ejaculate, and it could also “lower the high percentage of older men who no longer have erections and/or end up with urinary incontinence”. And in case you’re wondering how a man would use it, let me again refer to Betty Dobson … “The smooth surface of the barbell makes it a safe toy for anal penetration.” She also advises you (or a partner) hanging on to one end so it doesn’t “slip all the way inside”, thereby losing it … and presumably necessitating a trip to hospital.
No, I don’t think a toothbrush would do the same job.