Sigh. I guess, once the blogging community ‘finds’ you somehow, it’s inevitable that it will happen. Tagging – Bloggers must post these rules and provide eight random facts about themselves. In the post, the tagged blogger tags eight other bloggers and notify them that they have been tagged. Thanks to Danward for tagging me.
So rather than be a boring, persnickitty, grumpy old bag, like I’m tempted to be, I will do the right thing and participate. (And, um, I was kind of hard up in the inspiration department on what to blog lately.) So here goes (sigh again).
1. Like Danward, I ran away from home at a very early age. I would have been in primary school – very young. I was pissed off about something and thinking nobody loved me. I started writing a running away from home message … making letters by plucking out bits of fabric from my chenille bedspread. I picked up my litte brown school port (I have no idea if I put anything in there), and started off. I made it to the corner, and halfway down the hill, before I realised it was getting dark, and I wanted my dinner. So I turned around and went home again. I wasn’t even missed lol (let’s be fair – there wasn’t time enough for anyone to miss me!)
2. My big toe on my left food doesn’t bend. I don’t know whether it has a joint or not, but it just won’t bend.
3. I was headhunted once. I was working in the loans department of a bank. A fellow bankie had been headhunted and now had a new, very important position at a rival bank. He must have praised my work, because next thing I knew they were after me as well. And I turned them down – just one of my very dumb moves throughout life lol.
4. I once encountered a lion on the way to school. It was the biggest lion I ever saw. But then I’d never seen a real live lion before. As I was walking up the driveway of the school, St Patricks, the lion was coming the other way. I screamed and screamed .. I’d never been so terrified. A wild lion!!! It would eat me!! (Of course, I found out later it wasn’t a lion – but an afghan hound.)
5. My first sexual encounter was a date-rape situation. I was at a party with friends. A guy who was a friend of a friend lived out near me and offered to give me a lift home. I was so drunk I can barely remember a thing. Except that he took my virginity.
6. I had a very embarrassing moment when I was learning to swim. Again, I was in primary school. One of the teachers was teaching a few of us how to swim. Most of the other kids already knew how. I’m one of these people who has plenty of brains, but can’t do physical stuff, sports of any kind, for shit. Until I found out I was good at cross country anyway. But I digress. The teacher, who was a very buxom lady, made me dog paddle towards her. In my panic and desire to grab hold of something stable, my little hand accidentally slipped down her swimmers into her cleavage.
7. I broke my back on a waterslide on January 2, 2000. Good start to the new millenium!
8. I once recorded an album at the Sydney Opera House. I was with the Hornsby Concert Band – I played percussion. Timpani and snare were my ‘jobs’. We recorded a whole album in one afternoon. I don’t have that one. I don’t know whether that went. I only remember the day because I had a big crush on another percussionist and he had bought his girlfriend with him. I was desolate haha! Oh and I also was involved in recording a cd about 5/6/7 years ago. As a back up singer for an up and coming country artist (YERK – I don’t do country lol).
So there you go. I tried to delve the recesses for something hilariously funny or embarrassing but came up with nothing. After all, it is 4.30 in the morning here.