So I cleansed both stones (might as well do them both if I’m doing one). There are a few methods you can use, and as 1. it’s been cloudy for days and there is no sign of sun, and 2. it’s not full moon yet, I chose to run them under the tap for a while and then sit them overnight on an amethyst druse (or cluster) I just happened to have. I sound like a crystal nut – but I’m not. I swear these are the only three ‘stones’ I own. So now they are supposedly cleared of any former and/or negative vibrations, I am meant to program the one I want to use. Which will happen very simply by doing the exercise as I described it yesterday. So now I’m set. I just have to pull my finger out and finally do the exercise.
Of course, now I’m feeling the urge to pull out the guitar. But the thing is, when Helena was here she very kindly did a set of acrylic nails on me (I’m a biter – cringe). Being around Helena always makes me want to strive to be more girly. Because she is a girly-girl and I’m, well, not. So with long nails on I can’t bloody play the guitar now can I? Silly! I didn’t think of that at the time. However I think I may concentrate my efforts on writing for a while. I stupidly dug out another book today – “The Right to Write” by Julia Cameron (author of The Artists Way). DUMB. I already have Nin and Poe on the go, along with the Maisel book and now I’m itching at this one. grr. Anyway, I never felt capable of taking this book on. Now I do.
Today I went to the cinema and saw “Så som i Himmelen” (As It Is in Heaven) – a Scandanvian film that was made in 2004 by Kay Pollak and has only just found release in Australia. It received an Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Language Film.
It was a truly beautiful film. Maybe I found it moreso because of being a singer. The movie is about an acclaimed international conductor who has a heart attack and retires in solitude at his town of birth in Northern Sweden. He had lived in this town until he was seven years old, and had been bullied and bashed because he was different … ‘one of those artistic types’. The plot is rather cliched in a way … although very much a loner and rather strange, the local church choir press him (against his will) into taking them on and whipping them into shape. Of course they evolve from, well, utter crap to something fantastically beautiful.
There is nothing so thrilling as singing with other people and harmonizing so perfectly with each other that it starts to ‘ring’ … that overtones start happening. For me, it really is pure bliss. Ecstasy even. This film caught that moment. Although there are many allegories you can take from this film, for me it was about the redemptive power of music. The communing in and with music (the community of music). About finding your soul in the music.
The end was uplifting, tragic, beautiful … I am not ashamed to say I cried, and if I had been alone I may very well have sobbed.
A really lovely film. Worth looking for on dvd.
I’m so jealous of you working through THREE books at the same time. :o)
And what’s wrong with being a crystal nut? *pushes avalanche of rocks into closet*
Good luck with the exercises.
I’m bloody hopeless 🙂 Four on the go now, if you count Faust *sigh*
Nothing wrong with being a crystal nut lol!