Behind the darkest, heaviest clouds …

… the sun still shines.

Originally posted as a bulletin on myspace by a friend … and I just had to share it. And as I read it, I realised … I’m doing okay. In the last year I have … lost my job. Left a very long term relationship. Not enough money ever as I am unemployed. I’m not failing exams, but I think I’m going to have to defer study anyway. And NOW I have cancer. But it’s okay! I’m not ‘awfulizing’ I am rationalising. I’ve never asked ‘why me?’ because there is no reason. My job is to do what I can to deal with what I’ve been given, and in a way that will make me grow. A way to get back to a more authentic, healthy [physically and otherwise] spiritual way of living. Yeah … I’m okay … though tomorrow might be a different story as I’m off the three hugely strong anti-nausea drugs and just on maxalon. Tomorrow it might be … “To spew or not to spew? That is the question.” So tomorrow, my attitude might not be so great, and I realise as I get into the guts of treatment after the three surgeries, my attitude WILL be severely challenged.

But take heart … everyone … for whatever troubles you have.

Behind the darkest, heaviest clouds the sun still shines…

There comes a time in the lives of each one of us when we just feel that we cannot carry on.That there are just too many things going wrong. Too little money, too much month. Marriage is breaking up. Lost your job. Failed the exam. Relationships turn sour. You get the feeling that it doesn’t matter which way you turn — just closed doors, just more trouble…

It is at times like these when we are inclined to question “Why me? Why must I struggle so?” We are often inclined to blame someone or something else for our situation. We feel sorry for ourselves because life is so “unfair” and people are so “unsympathetic”…

There will be times in our lives, when we will face situations that are not in our control, and not of our doing. The one thing that must be learned and accepted is that things will happen that we are neither responsible for, nor in control of — things we would have preferred not to happen…

In any situation there is always one thing that you can, and should, control. That one thing is your attitude. Your attitude will determine your response to the situation. Your attitude will determine if you give up or if you persevere. Develop the attitude that there is always a solution to every problem, then learn to look for that solution…

Accept the situation, do not waste any time complaining about it — you cannot change what is, you can only change how you think about it. But until you change how you think about it you can’t change it or fix it…
Resenting and resisting the situation just makes it worse…

Evaluate the situation…
Before you can make a decision as to what to do you must know what the real situation is. Rationalize don’t “awfulize” — don’t make the situation less than it is, don’t make the situation worse than it is. Do not try to interpret ‘why’ — merely deal with what is…

Instead of complaining “Why me?” Question “What do I want instead of what I have now? What should I do? What CAN I do?”…

Believe that there is something that you can do. Never lose your dignity, your self respect.Take stock of all the resources, material and emotional, that you still have. How can you best apply them to improve the situation, to change your circumstances. Look for the solution confident in the knowledge that “Behind the darkest, heaviest clouds the sun still shines”…

Talk to me!