Yep. I can’t do it anymore. I can’t work this hard on what is obviously a one-sided friendship. It has worn me out, it has worn me down, it has worn my heart out, and according to the psychic I saw the other day dissolved my heart chakra, but there’s a point I just have to say fuck it. I’ve been trying. I loved the guy. He told me he loved me, until September last year when that abruptly stopped … “my” fault. Everything, everything, is my fault, apparently and according to him . The fact that he shares nothing with me anymore, not a damn thing, and shows only a very cursory interest in what is happening with me, while I work on album covers for him in which case I am “honey”, shows just what my value is to him. All this talk from Mr Music of our being soul mates, of being a kindred spirit, of him cherishing our manifold connections, that our closeness has not waned, is all utter bullshit. It couldn’t be any clearer, and I am not a naive, controllable 19 year old. Chemo might have left me with some cognitive deficits, but I am still way more intelligent than your average bimbo. As I said to him, the proof is in the pudding. His excuse of not allowing himself on-line time to write personal correspondence — with me — doesn’t wash. How long does it take to answer a question or two and how stupid does he think I am? He should know better than that. That is an insult.
So, as of today, I just can’t do this anymore. I can’t keep on pouring energy into supporting him, caring about him, letting it be all about him, while he puts nothing into this. It hurts my heart dreadfully, and I am so bloody exhausted from it. Mr Music is all take, and no give. Absolutely no give whatsoever. And I am seriously starting to wonder, seriously, if I am just being used by him now and he has absolutely no intention of being friends at all, because he sure as fuck doesn’t talk like one or act like one. Have I been duped? I’m done in. And I’m so, so fucking sad and worn out. If I matter at all to him then he is going to have to put something into this “friendship”. I am no longer going to be taken for granted and treated with such pompous contempt and casual disregard. God damned musicians and their narcissistic self-absorption.
The elastic band has snapped and I am feeling the loss of a friendship, if there was one, or is it all an illusion/delusion? He meant so much to me. And there is going to be a lot of mourning with the letting go. I’m done. The door of friendship is still open to him, if he is willing to be a friend, and if he is willing then he is going to have to act like one, treat ME like one, put something into this. He has distanced himself about as far as he can from me without actually having pissed off. No more of that. He has to treat our friendship with the respect it deserves, if he is as honest as he says he is, if he acts with the integrity he espouses.
For my part, I am concentrating on meditating on loving kindness. For myself. For Mr Music.
My therapist will be happy. She has wanted me to ‘say goodbye’ a loooong time ago. The psychic I saw a few days ago also ‘saw’ him. Said there was someone with whom I connect with on every single level, a soulmate, but there is so much sad communication around it. That he has an extremely sweet side to him, but he is also extremely controlling (no kidding! I sussed that out myself thanks), and we would only have had trouble because I would stand up to him (having been there and done that with my first ex-fiance and never going there again). She said there was nothing there anymore, he has finished with me, and I should “wean myself off him”. I am not one to believe everything a psychic tells me and to act on what they say, so this act of letting go is MY choice and what she said has no bearing on it. But she did get a lot of interesting stuff right. Actually, after the last three readings I have had done, from 3 different people, I think that what psychics get is not something outside of us, but somehow they pick up on our inside stuff. Our dreams, our wishes, our fears etc.
I digress. I’m also very emotionally worn out because I finally had my mammograms and ultrasounds done today. I got a little teary while having the mammograms. It was awful being back there having that done again. And they wanted a second one on my right breast so naturally I thought “oh no”. However, the guy who did the ultrasounds on my breasts was a DARLING. He told me that everything looked healthy as far as he could see. They are SO not allowed to say anything but I am glad he did, as my surgeon won’t get the results until later this week and God knows when I will get the results.
To top that off Liam decided to pull one on me this afternoon, and went missing at my parents. We’re talking paddocks, cows with big horns, a creek swollen from rain. After calling and calling, and knocking on neighbours doors, I was just starting to officially panic when Mum heard him inside the house. He had been hiding there the entire time. Needless to say he was in trouble.
Follow that up with schlepping around the supermarket for the weekly hunting and gathering, and I’m all done in. A glass of wine and a valium tonight I think.
Good things:
- School goes back tomorrow. Hallelujah. I love my little boy, but 6 year olds have boundless energy and chatty mouths.
- I am now “juicing”. My mother gave me her old juicer and so I join the messy throng of cancer survivors who juice.
- The psychic said “you have a very strong imagination, and you have a writers fork, do you write? You love to express yourself through the written word and you do it very well. You should be writing to harness that imagination that needs some boundaries.” She mentioned children’s books. 20 years ago, another psychic said I could end up writing childrens books. Something to think about.
- …

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