It’s 4.30 in the morning. I can’t sleep. I haven’t slept. And that little Robert Frost verse keeps on looping in my head.
In a few hours I have to be awake, tending to Liam, and I have to spend the day being reasonably sociable at my parents, as it’s Mothers Day. My mind … monkey mind. Chattering away and having a gay old party swinging from the branches. It’s full moon torture time. I lay in bed and think and think and think and imagine and daydream and uselessly project into the future. I torture myself.
I have to tell a secret. A very big secret. Can I just say, out there and out loud, I hate what I’ve become. Yes I do. I absolutely hate it. I hate me, I suppose. I have lost my awe and wonder. I hate being miserable a lot of the time. I hate having lost my magic and the part of me that can be whimsical. I hate torturing myself. I hate feeling like the worlds slowest and numbest sloth. I HATE feelingl stupid thanks to chemobrain. I hate my life being on pause, I hate just plain not being free.
I just want to be free, free of me and what I am now. This heaviness, this whinging miseryguts. This deadness. Deadness. I hate wanting, I hate needing, and I hate crying. I hate my inability to let go. I hate acting so pathetically. I hate wishing, and nostalgia, and my unquiet brain. I hate loss. I hate trusting people and learning it’s a mistake. I think of me and I feel sick in the stomach. I HATE BEING A MISTAKE. How little that makes me. I think of some things and my soul just wants to cry to the heavens, like a mournful night-creature. I feel insufficient, deficient, dirty, invalidated, unwanted and unwantable. Unloved and totally unlovable. I hate needing to feel wanted and lovable.
I feel silenced and stifled because I can’t converse about shared love of movies/literature/poetry/art/music with the one person who has the identical loves and tastes, soulmate-like.
I know a lot of this is illogical, negative thinking. I’m well versed in CBT and the like 🙂 But this is the way I feel, logical or not. You can accuse me, as someone has recently, as being mired in self-pity, but that’s the wrong term … it is self-loathing.
Is this what the specialist oncological psychologist meant when she said life after cancer is harder? Because right now, it TRULY is a case of who am I now? What am I now? and where the fuck am I now? I have no frame of reference for anything anymore, and to try and explain how that really is to someone ‘not in this’ is impossible to relate.
I keep waiting. Waiting until I move, “and then I’ll feel better”. Waiting until I start the new antidepressant, “and then I’ll feel better”. Waiting until the healing ‘conference’ next weekend “and then I’ll feel better”.
But there’s this. On Friday Liam’s school had a Mothers Day Liturgy, and morning tea afterwards. The classes all gave presentations of some sort. Year 6 read the poems they wrote for their mothers. A couple of classes did dances to moving songs. Liam’s class all said “I love my mother because …” (Liam’s was “because she reads me books at bedtime” 🙂 ). Afterwards they presented us each with a little posy of wildflowers and a portrait they had painted of each of us. So beautiful, so warming, yet so sad, and so hard. There was one little girl in year 2/3 who was sobbing during their dance because she misses her mum (I don’t know her story beyond that). A year 6 girl included a part in her poem about how “some kids don’t have mums with them and I don’t see how mothers could leave their children”. I found it extremely difficult to keep myself together with those. Because it brings up the biggest fear that cancer gives me … that if I die, I leave Liam without a Mummy, and that will hurt him beyond belief. That is the panic of cancer for me, nothing else. If I didn’t have Liam, I wouldn’t be half so scared of dying. Might even think of it as a bit of a relief. My little boy is my reason for fighting.
Anyway, I held it together until nearly at the end of morning tea when a friend told me she had noticed me getting a bit teary during the thing and then the floodgates opened. Quietly, but they opened, and i had to leave via the back door. I cried all the way home and then was able to have a good solid cry when I got in my front door. Catharsis.
It reminds me that every mothers day, EVERY day of special celebration with Liam, is incredibly precious. I am lucky to have him. I am lucky to still have my own mother here on earth, some of my dearest friends don’t. I am lucky to be alive myself.
But none of this stops me from squirming around in the mud like the slimy worthless creature I feel I have become.
Just call me Gollum 🙂
whinge over.

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