I’m full with it today. Brimming with it. Overflowing with it. The Unspeakable. Fighting the urge to write but, hang it, if I want to write, I will. And I will write what I WANT to write. I am touched, very, and gratefull, that I have friends who care enough about what I think and feel to offer advice, and/or care enough to feel sorry/frustrated/whatever over what I am doing or going through.
However. No-one knows the stupidity more than myself. No-one wishes me to no longer have pain, sorrow, exhaustion, vacant-headedness, and the inability to be strong in places I should be strong, more than myself. Believe me when I say this. I am my own worst enemy, I know this. I hang on to people and friendships with much more energy than they deserve, I know this. I give too much to people who couldn’t care less, and perhaps don’t deserve my giving, I know this. I love where there’s no point. I know this.
I have felt reluctant to write anything, in this my journal, because of things people have said. I have decided I can’t allow that to happen. I can’t allow my expression to be squashed by anyone, and I mean … anyone. My journalling has been denigrated in the past, by someone who at first loved it, loved the insight into me. Others have told me what I should feel. Or more correctly, what I should not feel. What I should and should not do. But … I’m sorry. I can’t be ruled by what others want, and I will not allow myself to not journal because certain content irritates anyone.
So be it. I will write what I want to write, when I want to write, in a place and manner in which I chose to write. I know I should not love someone who is not interested in my love, who I have not met, and probably won’t meet. But do we choose who to love? Do we choose when and when not to love? No, we DON’T choose. It just happens. I would prefer not to love, at all. Actually, I would prefer to love nobody, ever again. I would prefer to shut off my feelings as obviously others are able, but that’s not me. You can call it a fault, or you can see it as admirable, but when I love someone, I love long and hard. It rarely wavers and once my love is unwanted anymore, it takes forever to get over it. that’s me, like it or lump it. My heart broke, as stupid as some people may want to judge that as, and it’s taking a long time to mend. I will not apologise for that. Not even to Mr Music. For better or for worse, most probably for worse, I am an incurable romantic who believes in fairyland and sprites in the garden and a world of spirit around me.
Today’s been a down day. Not a black day, more of a brownish-tinged deep blue day. I still have them occasionally, but nowhere near as often as before, and never as dark in tone as before. I am recovering, from cancer, from the treatment, even from a broken heart, and most importantly the depression, but it is a long way up from how far down I’ve been. There is no explaining that to anyone who hasn’t faced cancer and the barbaric treatment for it. And worse … try dealing with broken hearts/dreams during the middle of all of that. You want the truth? The bald, ugly (huh, how ironic) truth? It’s a miracle I’m still alive today, and not because of the cancer or the treatment. The only thing that has stopped me is my child. Don’t judge, because you don’t understand until you stand in my shoes.
A big insomnia cycle has struck again. I didn’t sleep last night, until taking some strong pain killers plus my one remaining half a valium at 4.30 in the morning, and I finally feel into a dozy comfortable sleep during a National Geographic documentary on Big Sur. To top it off I’m finally catching Liam’s cold. Uncomfortable tickle in the throat. Coughing.
It’s an absolutely beautiful, beautiful day outside. I sat outside earlier and read, in the warm sun and the cool breeze, but the onset of the Dreaded Lurgy is getting the better of me, so now I am in bed, looking out througy my window at flowers everywhere, and two plum trees absolutely clothed in pink blossom. Big elephant ears and bromileads against my bedroom window. A Doris Day movie on the tv. The book I’m reading constantly at my side … “A Literary Passion. Letters of Anaïs Nin and Henry Miller 1932-1953”. My throat hurting, my head getting that heavy ‘glug’ feeling.
My email inbox is totally empty, a very rare occurrence, and the only things coming through the mailbox are notes from ebay telling me about deals, a horoscope site telling me to read my daily horoscope, and countless offers to make my dick harder and make sex last longer. I thought today how nice, how refreshing, how much more personal it would be to swap from emails, to writing proper letters to people. Nobody does that anymore. But, even when I do, there are no handwritten replies in kind, apart from one, a literary soul-sister, who understands that writing by hand is so much more personal, and giving, than quick emails.
I’ve thought today of deleting my myspace account. About perhaps silently disappearing from someone’s life. Of ceasing correspondence, apart from friends who truly are bothered with me, who care to have decent conversations with me. I should nurture what I have to give, and only give where it is truly appreciated. Thinking, thinking, thinking. Who wants such a complex woman? No man I know. They SAY they do, they say they admire it even, but when it gets down to it, oh, they prefer the naive, moldable, simple, un-complex young little things.
Thoughts. If only the brain had green and red buttons. If only the heart had red and green buttons.
A letter from Anaïs Nin to Henry Miller:
Things I forgot to tell you: The quena is an instrument like a flute used by the South American Indians. It is made of human bones. It owes its origin to the worship of an Indian for his mistress. When she died he made a flute of one of her bones. It ha a more penegrating, more haunting sound than the ordinary flute.
I am a couple of days late reading this… sorry. 🙁
I firmly believe that people go through processes in different ways. We are all individuals and no one can dictate how another should think or feel or … be. Who has the nerve to denigrate anothers personal thoughts… personal writing. When someone is kind and open enough to allow youentrance into such private things, you need to be respectful. You do not have to agree… and if you don’t that should be a point of discussion, a moment for the give and take of opinions.
Sometime in personal journaling, we need for someone to point things out to us (as in life also) that may not make sense or follow reason. That is fine. That is what friends are for, to remind us (gently sometimes and firmer other times) where we may need to rethink. Support is when we need it. Push if necessary.
My inbox, too has been empty as of late, and I miss reading notes.
I enjoy handwriting letters as well… I have a card waiting here that I have had for a couple of months though that I have been remiss in sending to this wonderful, far away friend I have who also knows the merit of a handwritten note.
Let no one dictate your heart or emotion or anything which may come from it, Julia. It is yours to do with what you will and only the deserving should share in it.
And look how long I am in REPLYING. Sheesh.
Yes, a good friend WILL point out things that perhaps need pointing out, and that has been done 🙂 Sometimes we do need pushing. And it is out of caring for our friends that we do that. I do understand that, and I hope the friend that ‘pushed’ me understands that I understand 🙂
As for the person who denigrates my ‘blogging’ they no longer show an interest in anything I write so it doesn’t really matter any more, as they don’t read anyway.
And that card was beautiful … thank you 🙂 I love cards with good literary quotes haha!
I see no stupidity there. You’re just doing exactly what anyone else would do in your situation: dealing with it in the way your personality dictates. Nothing wrong with that, and nothing stupid about it either. I’ve been my own worst enemy at times as well, and a lot of what you’ve said about mindfulness has been really helpful. I hope you’re finding at least a little bit of strength to just sit with your feelings at times without needing to class them as good or bad. Perhaps it’s like a wound itching as it heals. I really hope for your sake that it’ll pass, and that you can continue to say Fuck It, nobody can tell you what to think, do, feel, or say. Everyone else has the right to do just that, no reason why you shouldn’t either. I’m sorry I’ve not been around much lately, I’d love to hear how you’re getting on where you are now 🙂
I sent you an email a little while back which I’m guessing you didn’t get. Quite a few of my ‘outs’ seem to have gotten lost with my change of isp.
Any my apologies for taking so long to reply to this.
I MISS YOU! Yes, we do need to catch up because so much has patently changed in your life … for the good … and that is wonderful, SO wonderful. You deserve it.
Mindfulness … I’ve been very slack on that front. It’s all I can do to stay awake these days. I’m pretty sure it’s the medication, yet again. Anne, the aunty that I am now living with, previously did an intensive 8 week course through a local psychologist that I wished I could do (but can’t as I don’t have private health insurance and it costs a bomb). However one of my best friends, who is a psych, is now undertaking the instructors course for the very same course, which is VERY heavily steeped in Buddhism, and she has offered to ‘guinea pig’ me so I get to do the course for free.
I will send you another email/message/note whatever soon, so we can catch up.
Hugs xxx