- MY piano!
Yep, there she is. She came at midday today (and it is needless to say I played all afternoon). It’s in dire need of a good clean and polish, and we’re going to reupholster the seat. It’s also in dire need of a good tuning (booked for Monday afternoon). It’s stuck in the front hallway (half in half out) because there is nowhere else in this tiny little house to put it. But there’s light there, there’s room enough. And people can use the back door LOL!! I have my priorities right *grin*.
She’s old. Don’t know how old. Iron frame. Don’t know what wood it is made out of … walnut perhaps? The hammers and felts and strings inside look immaculate (and OH IT HAS THAT SMELL I FORGOT ABOUT … THAT PIANO SMELL. The smell of music.) And it has some nice carving on it.
I am rusty. SO rusty, and have lost the touch, the delicate touch. But with lots of practice and Hanon exercises I think I can get some of it back. But it’s about purely enjoying it while I’m playing it, isn’t it? And I’ve been playing the guitar a lot lately too. Happy happy happy.
30 years I’ve waited for this.
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