Attachment. Impermanence.
One of my aunties died yesterday, in her sleep. She was diagnosed with leukemia just over a year ago. She was hospitalised for a really harsh chemo regimen just after I finished radiotherapy. While I was down south having radiotherapy, we visited a few times as she lived down there. Although we knew she had cancer, none of us knew she was that sick. We were told she was really sick, but she was having chemo at the time (again) so assumed it was the chemo. I won’t be able to go to the funeral as I will be in Western Australia.
This has been a huge shock, but it is yet another reminder to me about impermanence.
I wrote a blog a few days ago that got eaten by the blog monster. A kind of a meditation on attachment and letting go. There’s no way I can recreate it, unfortunately (I was in a serene, instead of sad, state then).
Recently I received the BEST surprise gift from overseas. Two Buddhist books (and a GORGEOUS bookmark!). The one I’m reading at the moment is ‘Going Nowhere, Being Nobody’ by Ayya Khema and it is such a simple, beautiful book. Just reading it gives me great peace. The other is ‘Buddhism for Mothers: A calm approach to caring for yourself and your children’ by Sarah Napthali. I’m very much looking forward to getting into that one as well.
One thing that has been made very clear to me is this life’s lesson: letting go of attachment. Yes, I ‘knew’ it intellectually, but I get it at a soul level now. Last week I was plagued by a series of different dreams I had, one night after the next, about my relationship with my mother. (As a child I felt she actively hated me; there was certainly no ‘emotional’ mothering, although we have a nice relationship now, like a friendship. This has resulted in me apparently having an ‘attachment disorder’. Me, I’m the anxious/ambivalent type). For a long time, but particularly after these three nights I had had enough, I was SO tired of carrying around these attachment/abandonment issues. They are heavy, and incredibly wearying. I don’t WANT them anymore; I just want them to ‘drop off’ me. I told myself that night that was it, I did not want to dream about it anymore. And I didn’t. Clearly I still have a lot of work to do here, but the intention is well and truly growing in my neural pathways
Of course, we all have attachment issues of some sort, we all have areas of our life, or people, we need to let go of. People or things that don’t serve a positive purpose in our lives. ‘Baggage’ we lug around on our backs throughout our lives. The philosophy of Buddhism really makes a lot of sense to me. I don’t intend embracing Buddhism as my religion, but there is a lot of it I want to incorporate into my lifestyle.
This idea of impermanence. What we think of ‘real life’ is an illusion. There is NOTHING permanent in this world. Apart from the knowledge that we are all going to die one day. That is the only one sure thing. The past has gone and doesn’t exist anymore, the future hasn’t happened and doesn’t exist yet … all there is, is this ONE moment. This one breath. Everything is mutable, fluid, moving … and impermanent. Nothing is solid; everything is made up of atoms, which are made up of energy. There is SPACE between atoms. The people in our lives are impermanent. They come and they go, whether through death or other ways, and you can’t do anything about that.
The practice of mindfulness isn’t easy. And neither, strangely, is meditation. But I know what a difference they make to my well being. Simply meditating on the incoming and outgoing breaths, on the nostrils, is incredibly difficult (trying to tame ‘monkey-mind’), but helps me develop a strong, calm core. There are other things besides my mothering issues I need to let go of. Relationships with people that don’t treat friendships with equality … as an equal flow of give and take. I don’t have a large circle of friends. I have quite a small circle, but those friendships I do have are special. Perhaps I don’t view friendship in the same way as most people … I don’t know. But I can’t have a large circle of friends. To me, they aren’t ‘friends’, they are people you know, perhaps like, but there is no SOUL in the relationship. Acquaintances. No, I prefer my way.
Yes, there are people I need to let go out of my life as their actions don’t gel with their words, or vice versa. People who are only interested in themselves, and don’t participate in a two-way relationship, who are only in it for what they can get for THEMSELVES. And here, also, is a battle with trust. If I trust a person in the first place, but they then say or do something that doesn’t honour the friendship, then, ridiculously maybe, my trust is injured. My trust is hurt (even in a physical sense). I probably won’t believe you anymore. Why should I? Betray trust once, and it will always happen again. Yes, these I must let go of. I am trying to do it with loving kindness behind it. Of course, being human, there are times when anger gets the better of me and negative emotions take hold, but I am ATTEMPTING to let go with loving kindness.
I am going to Western Australia for three weeks on Tuesday. I will still have internet access, as I will be studying probably 75% of the time, so correspondence will not suffer. I am looking forward to it with near desperation. My time in Western Australia nearly always feels like spiritual refreshment.
And to end with my favourite Radiohead song … a song that could be about impermanence lol!
God how I love Thom Yorke. Now there’s a guy who writes lyrics from his soul.
May all beings be happy.
Thankyou so much for putting this out there. I hope you’re keeping as peaceful as you can, and are finding ways to get the monkey to shut the hell up more often than not 🙂
Attachment has been a big subject that’s been running through my head today. It’s been raising big questions for me about what variant of mad I am, why it makes me form the attachment patterns that I do, and why the also mad person I’m attached to, is still emotionally attached to someone else from the past, and why it’s got me so butthurt that he’s still more attached to her than me.
I’ve come to realise that I was becoming more attached to ideas of how I thought things were, and causing problems for myself and everyone else. No human being is perfect, and that’s an ideal I need to let go of as well.
Basically, my head’s still swimming with it so this may make no sense but thankyou for posting this and muchos zen css for you 😉 x
SHIV!!! I’m sorry I took so long to reply here. I miss you. It’s been WAY too long.
I’m sorry you’re still having those issues with your man. And of course you’re butthurt that he’s still more attached to the ex than to you. That’s very, very natural.
We ALL suffer from attachment in some way or another. Attachment to people, to ideas, to beliefs, to desires … and by suffer I mean suffer. Attachment = root of all suffering when it comes down to it. But we ARE human, we aren’t Enlightened Buddhas, and it’s just our human lot to try and learn to deal.
And no, no luck shutting the monkey up haha! It chatters are mercilessly, never more than when I’m trying to meditate, or sleep. But I’m more peaceful than not these days. It’s nice to find a way out of hell, and I pray I never have to visit there again *shudder*.
Great big hugs and lots and lots of love to you. xxx
I hope you’re enjoying your trip. 🙂
Losing a painstakingly-written blog entry is (ironically) a good exercise in impermanence and attachment!
I ran across this the other day and after watching it I had a wonderful sense of peace … of having been somewhere beautiful, safe, and spiritual. You might enjoy it.
HA HA HAAAAAA!! That is very funny.
If only I could get over this attachment to being AWAKE! Still on WA time here and wide awake when I shouldn’t be.
Actually, I watched that from your LJ post the other day 🙂 And yes, I did enjoy it. I like that they happily include children.
Can’t believe Arwen’s growing up so fast! Thank you so much for those books (yet again I say thank you). I love the Buddhism for Mothers book. Good lessons there.
Big love to you too, soul sister. xxx