Taking stock: It’s catch-up time

Making :  A plain length of white knit. The local police have asked the community to help them create Australia’s biggest white ribbon – more than 2 kilometres worth, to be  exact. The idea is to get people talking about domestic violence. Once finished, the ribbon will be made into blankets to give to women and children affected by domestic violence.

Cooking : This week – NOTHING. I have been so overloaded and under stress (good stress and not-so-good stress) that I chose to lighten the load by taking it easy this past week and eat easy ready-made meals.

Drinking : Cafe au lait, in bed!

Reading: Lambs of God by Marele Day. I chose this book for our current book club read. It’s an Australian literary novel (my fave genre), published in 1997. I’m LOVING it. It’s about three nuns lost from the world in seclusion on an island. It’s quirky, it’s lush, it’s sensual – and there’s LOTS of knitting and fairy tales. Win.

Wanting: A full month off from everything, to decompress.

Looking: constantly at the pozible campaign for the Manning River Turtle Project. Aussie Ark and the Australian Reptile Park are raising money to start an insurance population for the endangered Manning River Turtle. Our little Manning River Turtle Conservation Group (of which I’m a founding member) helped launch this campaign, and we’re so excited to see the outcome!

Playing: Sims 4
Deciding: to accept the invitation to be a voice in a vocal duo/trio.
Dreaming: of writing an atmospheric Australian Gothic novel.
Wishing:  it would rain more. The whole state of NSW is in drought.
Enjoying: Blogging in bed with the dog snuggled up against me.
Waiting:  for my order from Newchic to turn up. With trepidation.
Liking: that today is Sunday.
Wondering: Will the clothes from Newchic look anything like what was on the internets? Will they fit?
Loving: Ralph Vaughan Williams’ music. Right now in particular The Lark Ascending, and one of the songs I’m doing for exams, The Sky Above the Roof – both such delicate and emotive pieces.
Pondering: getting out of bed and doing some vocal practice. I have a lot of art songs to learn
Considering: Taking up gardening. I love the concept of gardening, I love the look of gardens. But I don’t like the work. I’m increasingly feeling the urge to grow my own veges, though.
Watching: I’ve been rewatching all of The Walking Dead with my 15-year-old son (now he is of age to watch such revolting stuff!) We are finally in season eight.
Hoping: that more than one person reads this post! I wanna connect with like minds.
Marvelling: at how FAST the grass can turn green with a teensy bit of rain.
Needing: life to slow down.
Smelling: Rain on the ground!!!
Wearing: Constance Hall’s Earth Girl pants. They are comfy as.
Following: Down to Earth – a blog about a simple life. Australian, by the author of A Simple Life and Down to Earth – both of which I have to buy.
Noticing: the silence of Sundays – it’s a precious thing.
Knowing: I have to go to work tomorrow. *insert big hefty sigh of resignation*
Thinking: I have more information to put up on the Manning River Turtle site. I spent all of last weekend frantically creating the site in readiness for the crowd funding campaign on Tuesday. I put up basic stuff – there is a lot more to put up, particularly on environmental ways to help the turtle.
Feeling: Grateful and awed at the generosity of people. The turtle project has raised more than $18,000 in four days. Grateful for being in cahoots with Tim Faulkner, Dan Rumsey and Chris Williams from Aussie Ark/Australian Reptile Park. What a dynamo of a team. They are making this insurance population happen.
Admiring: the passion and gutso of the above guys. They really get shit done.
Buying: decent, long wearing clothes from a local boutique. Two pairs of jeans, a parka and a shirt. I hardly ever buy clothes, but this post seems to be full of it.
Getting: ready for a girl’s weekend away in a couple of weeks. It involves Tassie devils!!!
Disliking: the current state of politics in our country. Or should I say out and out hating? We had another change of prime minister this week who went with a knife in his back. How many’s that, now, in the last few years?
Opening: the front door to let the dog out to wee. She won’t go. She doesn’t want to get her little princess Sheltie toesies wet.
Giggling: at Negan’s turn of phrase. He might be a monster, but he’s always got a smile on his face. You can’t help sort of liking him, which is disturbing him. (If you don’t watch the Walking Dead you won’t get the reference.)
Feeling: cosy-toed, warm and snuggly.
Snacking: Last night it was honey soy chicken chips. Today it will be extra sharp cheese and crackers.
Coveting: my friend’s life. Currently she is on a week’s birding trip somewhere in outback Qld. In November she is off to South Georgia (the Antarctic) to photograph wildlife.
Wishing: I could explore Tasmania
Helping: save the Manning River turtle! I’ve already said it’s endangered. It’s found nowhere else in the world except the middle and upper catchment areas of the Manning River.
Hearing: Birdsong. Occasional rain on the roof. My version of bliss.

2 thoughts on “Taking stock: It’s catch-up time

  1. I found my way here from pips blog.
    Hope your clothing order was just right, I wish I could send you some of our rain, it’s quite soggy here .
    Well done on your fundraising and just for being a good egg and fighting for the little guy, or in this case turtle.
    Cheers Kate

    1. Well hello! I’m jigging a little in my seat, having a visitor from Pip’s blog!

      The clothing order is currently winging it’s way from China, or Hong Kong, or somesuch.

      We had 2mm of rain over the weekend – measly amount. But happily, we’re expecting some more next week. Where are you that it is nice and soggy?

      And thank you – we’ve raised $21,000 so far! Just a measly $89,000 to go (oh boy).

Talk to me!