Someone put me on to a nifty piece of exercise equipment.

It’s a simple little barbell. But wait!!! There’s more! Not just ANY barbell, but a barbell for doing keigel exercises with. Or for the Australians … a barbell for pelvic floor exercises. We all know resistance training is excellent for toning muscles, so I thought … I must get myself one of these. I don’t want a girl of just average, everyday fitness. I want a super-duper-mega-fit, super-strong one
So I went online and ordered it from a store in San Francisco that a friend recommended. The store is actually a shop that sells sex toys, a store run by women for women. A tasteful store, believe it or not.
As I eagerly awaited the arrival of my new piece of exercise equipment while it was winged over from the west coast of the USA to the east coast of Australia, I had an embarrassing realisation of what might presumably happen at customs, when the parcel was x-rayed
Would they open it, seeing what shape it was, what it was made of, and being concerned? Have a good snicker when they saw the goods? Or is it just something that they’ve seen maaaannny times before, now a bit of a yawn?
Never mind, I reminded myself, they don’t know who they hell I am anyway so it really doesn’t matter.
So one day I get two things in the letterbox … a card from the post office saying I had an international parcel to pick up. As I hadn’t ordered anything from Amazon for, oh 2 weeks (WHAAAAT??), I knew exactly what was waiting for me at the post office. The other was an envelope from San Francisco. It was thick. I guessed, correctly as it turned out, that maybe it was a catalogue from this place I bought my exercise equipment from. Turned the envelope over to find
the flap on the envelope hadn’t been stuck down. Or if it had originally, barely.
This envelope travelled all the way from San Francisco to east coast Australia … open. Imagine how many people looked at what was inside. It wouldn’t bother me terribly except for one thing. I live in a very small town. Population 4000. Everybody knows everybody else, and if they don’t, it’s like two degrees of separation. The people at the post office know me. Bet they got a good giggle out of the catalogue, and raised eyebrows when they saw who it was for. Shit.
So I had to go into the post office that day to pick my parcel up. I couldn’t look them in the eye. They couldn’t look me in the eye. And to heighten my embarrassment even further, was the box itself. I thought they would go to great lengths to make it discreet. But on the description of the contents, in big letters, was ‘massage equipment’.
Aiyyyyyyyyyeeeee … could you BE any more OBVIOUS? Every woman knows what ‘massage equipment’ means ROFLAMO!!!!! I couldn’t get out of their fast enough.
When I got home and opened it up it was my turn for a laugh. First let me say, the barbell is a thing of beauty. Stainless steel, sleek, 7 inches long with a big ball down one end and a small one on the other. Quite heavy. But that’s the point. Anyway – the little box it came in was a cack. Here’s what the label said:
“Betty Dodson’s Vaginal Barbell
Betty’s Vaginal Barbell is both a practical exerciser to strengthen the pelvic floor muscle and an excellent pleasure device. Made of stainless steel, it is sturdy enough to become a family heirloom.”
What the FUCK?? 

I doubt somehow I’ll be leaving my sleek, stainless steel friend in my will to anybody hahaha!
But wait … there’s even MORE!!
I love a place that chuck’s in freebies. Included in the parcel was the cutest little thing …. a travel-sized, compact, discreet sweetie. A ‘snap and go vibe’. One AA battery not included!! 
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