Hours. I’m spending way too many hours awake lately LOL! Last night I had about 2 hours sleep. The night before I pulled an all nighter, and got a couple of hours in the morning. Insomnia – I cannot wait until this bout passes. It will, it always does. But I’m feeling pretty good regardless.
Hours. I spent 3 of them last night replying to a most beautiful piece of correspondence. Can you believe that? (yeah I know what some of you are thinking haha!). It wasn’t THAT big. I was not capable of blogging last night. No indeed 🙂 No my mind was totally involved elsewhere.
And I’m still not in a space that I can write that entry on abuse. I’m too bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, though a bit spacey considering how little sleep I’ve hadÂ
! Too soft, warm and fuzzy. Mmm 🙂 
So instead I’m going all nostalgic again and evening the scales – reminiscing about stays at my maternal grandparents’ house. I’m enjoying getting the memories down, as much for the memories themselves as the process of getting them in words for later on when my memory starts to decide to slow down 🙂
Grandma and Grandpa lived at Port Macquarie, reasonably close to where I currently live. These days, it’s only a 3 hour trip from Newcastle (the town where I grew up) to Port. In those days it was considerably longer, because the Pacific Highway has had a lot of rebuilding and rerouting since then. As a child it felt like it was an all day trip, but I’m sure it can’t have been any longer than 5 hours. We always knew when we were close to our destination because of the brilliant red volcanic soil and the lush emerald green of the grass. Port always had a feeling of exoticness about it when I was a child. With the soil, the greenery, the patches of rainforest, the palm trees in town and the Norfolk pines at the beaches.

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