Funny thing. Today and last night I had conversations with two different male friends. Each of them were talking about something they did with a friend, a female friend (not the same female friend – these two don’t know each other).
In each case both men said the friendship was purely platonic, and there was nothing sexual in their interraction whatever. However, the first one did say that his friend had beautiful big breasts and he couldn’t keep from sneaking peeks down her cleavage. The second guy remarked that despite his friend being just that, a friend, he felt he had to remark to me that she had spectacular breasts.
I laughed. I don’t get the total obsession most men have with breasts. Comment – “if men had breasts we’d never leave the house, we’d be too busy”.
(ahem reminds me of a dream I once had but that is too rude for here
). I commented that sometimes I felt like a pair of walking breasts. Breasts on legs. I said I got tired of men wanting to talk to my breasts. A common complaint I am sure many males have heard many times before!
When saying goodbye, my friend said “you are too hard on yourself. Remember you have a beautiful mind sitting on top of those breasts”. Being a visual person, that was too much. The image in my brain was rather odd. And so I had to rush off and scribble it down. Here it is:

I was going to draw eyes instead of nipples (a reference to men talking to women’s breasts) but I didn’t. Now I wish I had. It would have been tad more bizarre. 

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